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2023 Annual General Meeting

HFACT’s 2023 AGM was held on 21st October to coincide with the Community Coast Camp at Batehaven.

Around 15 people, including HFACT members and several guests, attended in person. Although it was intended that the meeting be broadcast via Zoom, nobody registered their interest for the Zoom meeting credentials.

The president and treasurer presented their respective annual and financial reports, which were accepted by the members present. The document can be downloaded from the Annual Reports page.

Elections were held for the 2023/2024 committee, and the incoming committee details can be found on Our Committee page. The position of secretary was not filled and the committee would be happy to hear from any member who would like to volunteer for the role.

One of HFACT’s guests at the camp was Ms Sharon Caris, Executive Director of Haemophilia Foundation Australia. Attending the camp was one of her last official duties after 23 years in the role. As a thank you from HFACT and in recognition of her years of service Sharon was presented with a certificate of appreciation and a custom glass platter.

Photo of glass platter with big H inlayed in the design.

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