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Getting Older full report


The Haemophilia Foundation Australia (HFA) report on the needs of older people with bleeding disorders into the future, with recommendations. The report  gives the findings from the HFA consultation with community, health professionals and other experts and agencies. It also includes the results from the HFA Getting Older Community Survey and the PROBE Australia Study.

Download the full report PDF, 5.5MB (large file)

Revised with minor corrections, November 2023


Preliminary pages and contents

Cover, publication details, acknowledgements, contents pages, abbreviations used in the report

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Executive summary and recommendations

Download PDF, 284KB

1. Introduction

About the needs assessment, why it was needed, the approach used, the Advisory Group and the data collection

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2. About bleeding disorders

Types of bleeding disorders, the age distribution of bleeding disorders in Australia, treatment and comprehensive care

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3. Literature review

A review of the literature related to getting older with a bleeding disorder and its impact on health, wellbeing, social and financial issues, and issues for partners, family and carers

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4. Methodology

An overview of the methods used for data collection: interviews, community forums, consultation with state/territory Haemophilia Foundations, the HFA Getting Older Community Survey, the PROBE Australia Study

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5. Summary findings

A summary of the findings from the data collection: interviews, community forums, consultation with state/territory Haemophilia Foundations, the HFA Getting Older Community Survey, the PROBE Australia StudyDownload PDF, 1.3MB

6. Discussion and what will help

A discussion of the findings and what will help into the future. Includes the aspirations and goals of older people with bleeding disorders, issues relating to their health, wellbeing and quality of life, transport, treatment and care services, aged care and disability services, working, travel, finances, future planning, information and education.Download PDF, 770KB

7. The way forward

A summary of the conclusions and how to move forward with them

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8. References

The references used in the report

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Appendix 1 – Getting Older Community Survey findings

A more detailed report on the findings from the HFA Getting Older Community Survey
Download PDF, 362KB

Appendix 2 – PROBE Australia Study findings

A more detailed report on age-related findings from the PROBE Australia Study, February 2020. Revised Nov 2023.
Download PDF, 704KB

Date last reviewed: 23 November 2023

Important Note: This information was developed by Haemophilia Foundation Australia for education and information purposes only and does not replace advice from a treating health professional. Always see your health care provider for assessment and advice about your individual health before taking action or relying on published information. This information may be printed or photocopied for educational purposes.

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