Fundraising is an essential element of HFACT’s overall revenue. HFACT fundraises to cover costs that are not funded by other sources of revenue.
HFACT receives funding to support our counselling programme from ACT Health under the Public Health Outcomes Funding Agreement. This funding covers the cost of employing our counsellor, the publication of our local newsletter and some educational and administrative costs. HFACT acknowledges the support of ACT Health, without which HFACT would not be able to provide a counselling service.
HFACT does not have an office and all the administrative functions are undertaken by member volunteers, so we keep our overheads very low.
However, revenue for other services needs to come from member subscriptions, donations and community fund raising. HFACT keeps its membership subscription to a minimum so that as many people as possible can afford to join HFACT.
While donations are always welcome, they do not always cover the cost of our programmes including:
- Family camps.
- Subsidising costs of medical bracelets.
- Subsidising conference attendance, in Australia and abroad.
- Support and educational events.
- ACT membership of the national peak body, Haemophilia Foundation Australia.
So fundraising is vital to keep these services operating.
The sorts of fundraising events we hold are:
- Sausage sizzles at retail outlets
- Red Cake Day, when red cakes are sold to raise both awareness and funds
- Occasional cake stall at Woden Farmers’ Market
- Raffles
- Trivia Nights
Volunteers are always needed to help fundraise. Although most of our volunteers are our members, their family or friends, other volunteers are always welcome. click or tap on the Contact Us button at the top of the screen to get in contact if you would like to help.