The services and support that HFACT provides would not be possible without the support of our volunteers. Not all our volunteers come from within our membership. There are regular opportunities for volunteering.
We especially need volunteers to help with fundraising and publicity events.
In the past we have needed volunteers for:
- Red Cake Day, held during Haemophilia Awareness Week in mid October each year. Red Cake Day is used to disseminate information about haemophilia and other bleeding disorders by selling or distributing red cakes. The events range from private morning or afternoon teas at home or offices, or stalls at the hospital or other public places.
- World Hemophilia Day is an international observance held annually on April 17th by the Word Federation of Hemophilia. It is an awareness day for haemophilia and other bleeding disorders. HFACT runs public awareness events in hospitals, the blood bank or in public places.
- Fundraising always requires volunteers. One of our regular fundraisers, like many organisations, is the sausage sizzle stall outside hardware stores.
- Transport is sometimes needed when one of our members requires frequent medical treatment and cannot get themselves to the hospital or health provider.
- Assisting with Camps. Camps always require a tremendous amount of effort to organise and run. At camp time volunteers from the group are needed to assist with transport, activities, logistics, food supplies and preparation for example.
If you would like to be involved as a volunteer, contact our President. Click on the Contact Us link above for details.